The Bright Ideas Podcast

Sell without selling OUT!

Michelle Balmer Season 1 Episode 2
Andy Paul's book Sell without selling out...A guide to success on your own terms highlights the four Sell In pillars that are the ultimate instruments of selling: 1. Connection2. Curiosity3. Understanding4. GenerosityEverything else is generally a combination of product features, technical specifications, and pricing, which buyers can always get from Google, Amazon or the company website. What these digital sources lack is a truly helpful, reassuring human being's invested assistance. I guess the foundation of this book is to sell as we would like to be sold to, rather than that stereotypical, I AM A TIGER GRRR, KILL OR BE KILLED... mentality. Your podcast host will take you through the key points this simple, yet highly effective book puts forward. Michelle also links the sales aspect of the book to the marketing elements, something not always achieved or understood from both sides of the sales and marketing's side of a business, but certainly should be.